Jenn Sullivan, IBCLC

Jenn Sullivan, IBCLC has been providing feeding support in the Hudson Valley since 2007. Her philosophy is to help families meet their goals, whatever they may be. Breastfeeding, bottle feeding, pumping, starting solids, weaning, adoptive nursing, etc.
Jenn opened Waddle n Swaddle in 2007, and became a Certified Lactation Counselor. She began offering nursing support groups, classes, and private appointments. In 2014, Jenn became a Certified Breastfeeding Specialist and continued her education with the support of her mentor, worked towards earning her International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).
In 2022, Jenn sold Waddle n Swaddle and passed her IBCLC exam. She now provides lactation support at her office - 211 Main St, New Paltz, in Poughkeepsie (located in Dutchess 3D Imaging), via home and telehealth visits, as well as works per diem at St Peter's Hospital.